Decadent Chocolate Raspberry Cake

Indulge in a luxurious dessert with this Decadent Chocolate Raspberry Cake. Each layer of this cake marries rich chocolate with the tartness of raspberries, creating a delightful contrast. The texture is enhanced with ground biscuits and walnuts, making each bite a memorable experience. Follow this guide to create a masterpiece that’s perfect for any special occasion or when you simply crave something exquisite.


For the Cake Base:

  • 8 egg whites
  • 120 g sugar
  • 60 g ground biscuit (such as digestive or graham crackers)
  • 80 g ground walnuts

For the Cream:

  • 8 egg yolks
  • 130 g sugar
  • 150 g flour
  • 700 ml milk
  • 200 g chocolate with raspberries (or raspberry-flavored chocolate)
  • 250 g margarine or butter (at room temperature)

For the Assembly and Decoration:

  • 100 g plasma biscuits (or any vanilla-flavored biscuit), crushed
  • 200 ml whipping cream
  • 30 g cooking chocolate (for garnish)
  • Ground walnuts, for sprinkling
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1. Prepare the Cake Base:

  • Preheat your oven to 180°C (356°F). Line a round cake tin with parchment paper.
  • Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Gradually add 120 g of sugar, continuing to beat until stiff peaks are achieved.
  • Fold in the ground biscuits and walnuts gently until just combined.
  • Pour the mixture into the prepared cake tin, smoothing the top with a spatula.
  • Bake for about 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let it cool completely.

2. Make the Cream:

  • Whisk together the egg yolks and 130 g of sugar until pale and creamy.
  • Mix the flour into the egg yolk mixture gradually, then slowly add the milk, ensuring there are no lumps.
  • Cook this mixture over low heat, stirring continuously until it thickens. Once thickened, remove from heat.
  • Melt the chocolate with raspberries and mix it into the custard. Let it cool slightly.
  • Beat the margarine or butter until light and fluffy, then gradually mix it into the cooled chocolate custard until well combined.

3. Assemble the Cake:

  • Place the cake base on a serving plate. If the cake has domed, you may wish to level it with a knife.
  • Spread a thin layer of the chocolate raspberry cream over the base.
  • Sprinkle a layer of crushed plasma biscuits over the cream.
  • Cover with the remaining cream, smoothing the top.

4. Decorate:

  • Whip the whipping cream until stiff peaks form, then spread over the top of the cake.
  • Melt the cooking chocolate and drizzle over the whipped cream for a decorative finish.
  • Sprinkle ground walnuts around the edges or over the top for added texture and flavor.

5. Chill and Serve:

  • Refrigerate the cake for at least 4 hours, or overnight, to allow the flavors to meld and the cream to set.
  • Serve chilled, cutting into slices to reveal the beautiful layers.

This Decadent Chocolate Raspberry Cake is a celebration of flavors and textures, perfect for impressing guests or treating yourself. Enjoy the process of creating this heavenly delight and the even better process of indulging in it!