Tuna and Veggie Layered Salad

This Tuna and Veggie Layered Salad is a quick and delicious dish that brings together tender boiled potatoes, flavorful tuna, and fresh spring onions, all topped with a creamy mayonnaise dressing. Perfect for a light lunch or as a side dish, this salad is easy to assemble and full of satisfying flavors. The combination of cooked carrots, boiled eggs, and cheese adds richness and texture, making this a go-to recipe for any occasion.


  • 2 boiled potatoes, diced
  • Mayonnaise, to taste
  • 250g tuna in oil, drained
  • A bunch of spring onions, finely chopped
  • 150g cheese, grated
  • 2 cooked carrots, diced
  • 5 boiled eggs, chopped


  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Start by boiling the potatoes, carrots, and eggs if they aren’t cooked yet. Once cooked, dice the potatoes and carrots, and chop the boiled eggs. Grate the cheese.
  2. Layer the Salad:
    • First Layer: Spread the diced boiled potatoes evenly on the bottom of a serving dish. Lightly coat with mayonnaise.
    • Second Layer: Add the drained tuna over the potatoes, spreading it out evenly.
    • Third Layer: Sprinkle the finely chopped spring onions over the tuna for a fresh, crisp layer.
    • Fourth Layer: Add the diced cooked carrots, followed by a drizzle of mayonnaise.
    • Fifth Layer: Spread the chopped boiled eggs over the carrots.
    • Sixth Layer: Top the salad with grated cheese.
  3. Finish and Serve: Once all the layers are assembled, you can add a final touch of mayonnaise on top if desired. Serve the salad chilled or at room temperature, and enjoy it as a hearty side dish or a light main course.


This Tuna and Veggie Layered Salad is a versatile and quick recipe that combines wholesome ingredients into a satisfying dish. The layers of vegetables, eggs, and tuna create a delightful medley of flavors and textures, all brought together with a creamy mayonnaise dressing. Perfect for any meal or as a contribution to a potluck, this salad is sure to please everyone at the table with its delicious simplicity.

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